To complete this form effectively, you are advised to contact the local WAPCo office and schedule a preliminary site visit. However you may progress and fill the form with available information pending when a site visit is conducted to obtain all the required details to enable you complete the form. You may save your progress using the "Save Progress Button" and come back when you have more details.
Definition of Encroachment - WAPCo Defines Encroachment as any 3rd party activity that occurs within an existing WAPCo Right-of-Way; and which impacts or has the potential to impact WAPCo’s ability to safely operate and maintain the pipeline system; or is otherwise detrimental to public safety. In general, any 3rd party activity that physically infringes WAPCo rights-of-way or facilities is an encroachment.

Encroachment Permit Application Form

  1. 1Applicant Details
  2. 2Encroachment Details
  3. 3Pipe Specifications
  4. 4Powerline Installation on RoW
  5. 5Surface Alteration
  6. 6Special Ground Disturbance Works
  7. 7Access And Usage
  8. 8Documents
  9. 9Review and Confirm
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